Issue: metrics for tester productivity?
In response to my Baseline columns on metrics (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3), I received the following e-mail: I read your column with great interest as I’m involved on an IT project to measure productivity. May I ask you a quick question? Are there any mature metrics that can measure tester productivity improvement month by month […]
Latest column: IT project metrics, part 3
My newest Baseline column is up: “Lies, Damned Lies, and Project Metrics (part 3)“. In it, I wrap up my discussion on IT project metrics, outlining a possible approach using instrumentation and heuristics. Go check it out. ..bruce..
Anatomy of a runaway IT project
The following document is the actual text — carefully redacted — of a memo I wrote some time back [i.e., several years ago] after performing an IT project review; names and identifying concepts have been changed to preserve confidentiality (and protect the guilty). The project in question was a major IT re-engineering effort for a […]
Latest column: more on metrics
My newest Baseline column is up: “Lies, Damned Lies, and Project Metrics (part 2)“. In it, I talk about why it’s so hard to apply metrics to IT project management and begin to suggest an approach. Go check it out. ..bruce..
Gender differences in coding styles?
In my earlier post on the “thermocline of truth“, I wrote: Second, IT engineers by nature tend to be optimists, as reflected in the common acronym SMOP: “simple matter of programming.” Even when an IT engineer doesn’t have a given subsystem completed, he tends to carry with him the notion that he whip everything into […]