Sorry for the lack of postings lately
I’ve been doing on-site work in both Texas and Virginia, as well as having a case start up in Denver. However, I have some ideas for posts here and over at; I’ll try to get those out in the next few days. ..bruce..
New column up: distributed development (part 2)
My latest Baseline column is up, discussing how to make a distributed software development project work. ..bruce..
Remembering Ashton’s Law
The very first class I took when starting my computer science degree from Brigham Young University was CS 131. I forget the course title, but the teacher was Dr. Alan Ashton, a quiet, self-effacing but brilliant professor who would later become very, very rich by developing — along with Bruce Bastian (with whom I shared […]
Latest column up: problems with distributed development
Sorry I haven’t posted much lately; I actually have a few posts in draft status, but I’m currently in Dallas, pouring over hundreds of pages of source code listings (Z8 assembler, anyone?) and haven’t had a chance to finish up any of them. In the meantime, here’s my latest Baseline column on the challenges of […]
The decline in computer science students (part 2)
I previously discussed the up-and-down cycle of college enrollment in computer science and related fields. More accurately put, there have been two large peaks in computer science enrollment: one in the mid- to late 1980s (which happens to be when I was teaching CS at Brigham Young University) and another right around the turn of […]