Active risk management in IT projects
First, my apologies for the slow posting here and at over the past few months. It’s pretty bad when my last two posts have each covered my last two Baseline columns. But I’ve got some new material to start posting here as well, and will do so. In the meantime, I have two new […]
Two new columns up at Baseline
Obviously, I’ve been slow in posting here, since I’ve had two new columns go up at Baseline since I last posted. The first column, “Second Class Software Quality for Major IT Projects”, talks about the curious fact that organizations are willing to spend millions, tens of millions, even hundred of millions of dollars on major […]
“Inside Out”: the slide presentation
As mentioned previously, I spoke last week at the Denver IEEE Reliabilty Society chapter meeting on an SQA-centric view of software development. I plan to develop this into a full-blown articles (or posting), but in the meantime, here is the slide presentation (PPT, 340KB) I used. Feel free to ask questions. ..bruce..
Tradeoffs on buy vs. build
My newest Baseline column is up, talking about the dilemma faced in deciding whether to acquire software or build it yourself: The other day, an IT colleague of mine mentioned a conflict at a corporation where he’s working. The corporation has a mission-critical application deployed across a large number of workstations. The set of corporate […]
“Inside-Out”: IEEE presentation in Longmont (09/02/08)
On September 2nd, I’ll be speaking at a meeting of the Denver IEEE Reliability Society. It will be held at 5:30 pm in the Seagate Building in Longmont (CO), on Nelson Road between 75th Rd and Airport Rd. Here’s my abstract of the talk: INSIDE-OUT: Organizations too often treat software reliability as an ‘after the […]