I’m back
Sorry for the hiatus. Since the end of March, I have been tied up with multiple engagements, one of which is more or less full time, while the others fill up most of the time leftover from the first one. It’s great to be this busy, and I’m learning lots of new and interesting things, […]
Another warning on Windows 7 (video BSODs)
I’ve actually been having this problem for some time, but I thought it might be some kind of hardware problem with the system. Now I think it’s Microsoft and/or ATI. As noted below, last fall I bought an HP Pavillion desktop (quad-core 64-bit processor, 8 GB ram, 1 TB hd) running Windows 7 (Home Premium […]
A warning on Windows 7
My newest computer (an HP Pavillion desktop, quad-core processor, 8 GB ram, 1 TB hd) runs Windows 7, which I find to be a significant improvement over Vista. However, I ran into a problem with it a week or so ago. I was in the process of copying some files from elsewhere on my internal […]
A new proposed role — the “IT Czar”
My co-author and good friend Ruby Raley pointed me to this posting by Chris Curran over a possible new IT role, that of the “IT Czar”. Chris specifically uses a rebuilding-the-football-team analogy: What is interesting about Holmgren’s hire is that it is modeled after Bill Parcells role at Miami – The Football Czar. He’s not […]