Product development
CS 428 – Winter 2019 – Webster #02 readings

In-class lecture (02/04/19) on the Webster #02 set of readings for CS 428: How to Retain IT Talent with Goal Alignment Remember Conway’s Law Controlling IT Costs: Using a Maintenance Architect Negotiations and Lovesongs Class slides are here.
CS 428 – Winter 2019 – Peopleware, Part I (Chapters 1-6)

My lecture covering the first six chapters of Peopleware (3rd ed.) by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister. The slides used are here.
CS 428 – Winter 2019 – Webster #01 readings

In-class lecture on three of my blog posts on software engineering: The Real Software Crisis — an article published in BYTE (January, 1996) The Wetware Crisis: TEPES — A follow-up post written in 2008 The Wetware Crisis: The Dead Sea Effect — How IT organizations can go bad
The Mythical Man-Month, part 2 (CS 428, Winter 2019)

My in-class lecture covering chapters 4, 7, 11 and 14 of The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks.
Displacing entrenched technology

Successful technology — and I’m using the term broadly here, not just limiting myself to digital tech — has a propensity to entrench itself and then become very hard to displace, at least directly. A classic example is the internal combustion automobile (which I’ll call the “gas auto” for shorthand). Commercial production started over 130 […]