CS 428 – Winter 2019 – Webster #02 readings

In-class lecture (02/04/19) on the Webster #02 set of readings for CS 428: How to Retain IT Talent with Goal Alignment Remember Conway’s Law Controlling IT Costs: Using a Maintenance Architect Negotiations and Lovesongs Class slides are here.
Keeping a strong IT staff despite layoffs

Two previous posts have talked about conducting triage on your IT projects and what you should do in shutting down those projects that don’t make the cut.. Now, what about your IT staff? Having been on both sides of employee layoffs, I can tell you that they are not any fun for anyone involved. This […]
Pulling the plug on IT projects

In a prior post, I talked about conducting triage on your IT projects — that is, deciding which projects should (or must) go forward, and which should (or must) be shut down. The next question is: what do you do with the projects that are to be shut down? These IT projects typically fall into […]
IT retrenchment: performing IT project triage

The on-going economic turmoil in the U.S. and global economies over the past several years continues to force many organizations to freeze, trim or even dramatically slash internal budgets. If you’re an experienced IT manager, you already know that your budget may be among the first to be affected. And that means making hard choices, […]
The 5 books every IT manager should read right now

In a prior post I talked about setting up a reading program for your IT department. However, whether or not you can get your IT engineers to read, you yourself need to be aware of the fundamental realities of IT project management and software engineer that have been discovered again and again. In other words, […]